Last week, NYC's disgusting Apartheid stop-and-frisk program returned to the headlines as the new police chief endorsed the practice while admitting that he's been a victim of it.
New Police Chief
Phillip Banks III is the ultimate Uncle. Tom. He took time last week to endorse the use of
stop and frisk tactics in NYC to harass and humiliate people of color in our
city. But, he supports the racist approach to policing that Mayor Bloomberg has
made the centerpiece of his mayoralty while admitting that the practice
victimizes people of color. Phillip Banks III, as a person of color, has actually been victimized by the practice. Yet, he supports the practice fully
and wishes to see his fellow New Yorkers suffer from it.
All of us should have just as much contempt for Phillip
Banks III as we do for Ray Kelly and Mayor Bloomberg. In fact, one could argue
that Phillip Banks III should be held in the highest contempt because he
supports the racist stop-and-frisk program while possessing familiarity with
the burden it imposes on law-abiding New Yorkers. Phillip Banks III knows that
90% of stop-and-frisk victims are people of color and that 90% of the
stop-and-frisk victims are not even issued a summons. Moreover, Phillip Banks
III knows that despite the stop-and-frisk programs avoidance of stops of white
New Yorkers, those white New Yorkers who are stopped are twice as likely to
have illegal guns or illegal drugs as the people of color who get the attention
of the NYPD.
While Bloomberg and Kelly seem to enjoy the Apartheid
system for the control and power it affords them, Phillip Banks III enjoys the
practice of actually subjugating his sisters and brothers throughout our great
So, Phillip Banks III must resign now. We cannot afford
to tolerate the Bloomberg Apartheid a day longer. If Bloomberg, Kelly, and
Phillip Banks III won't leave quietly, we must all raise our voices loudly and
force them out immediately.
NYPD Inspector General
Predictably, NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly opposes independent oversight of the NYPD. As the City Council looks to mandate an Inspector General for the NYPD to
investigate police abuses, Ray Kelly states that such an approach would
endanger the public. In essence, the public is only safe if the NYPD has
unlimited freedom to break laws and violate constitutional freedoms. Of course,
he's wrong. We won't be safe until his power is taken away. We'll only be safe
when the NYPD is forced to respect the rule of law and reduce their abuse of
people of color in our city.